Friday, August 24, 2012

How it all began....

After eight years in the Midwest (well, 8 for me and 5 for Julayne), we are heading west to the Bay Area.  Why?  Well, there are a number of reasons for leaving a city....  one of my friends told me that (in his Ray J voice which I laughed about for a minute) "you have that new new new" which is definitely true.  For me, new city, new job, closer to family and the best part of it all.... a new little one coming in December....

What did we decide to do?  Well, we felt that sharing our good times on this trip could be really fun so here you go.  Follow us on our trip from the Windy City to the Bay Area.  We'll post pics, commentary and all that.

Enjoy our blog and post comments whenever you feel like it :)

Until our next destination.....


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